How To Add Music, Images, Videos, Apps To iPhone, iPod And iPad Without iTunes

How To Add Music, Images, Videos, Apps To iPhone, iPod And iPad Without iTunes

How To Add Music, Images, Videos, Apps To iPhone, iPod And iPad Without iTunes. Sick of iTunes? Looking for a faster, lighter and free alternative iPod, iPad, iPhone manager? CopyTrans Manager is the perfect iTunes alternative for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Add music, apps & videos to iPod, edit tags and artworks, organize iPhone playlists, play songs & videos with the integrated music player. It has never been this simple! Manage iPhone, iPod without iTunes, it’s a reality now!
Ultra light, fast & portable alternative iPod, iPhone, iPod Touch managerTake control of iPod, iPhone, iTouch without iTunes
Add songs to iPod, create & edit playlists from any computer
Can be installed on iPod to manage music on-the-go
Play iPod music directly on any computer
How To Add Music, Images, Videos, Apps To iPhone, iPod And iPad Without iTunes :

Install copy trans manager free

Before opening the copy trans manager, close iTunesbecause this software will not be opened whenItunes is open (diff like ifunbox)

If Itunes is closedrun the new copy trans manager

Use and click copy trans manager

Plug iPad into PC (before open copy trans manageripad already plugged into the PC is also no problem)

How to put mp3 files into this ipadsimply by dragging the file / folder mp3 on your PC into a copytransmanager 

And the final step to the music file into the iPAD is to click the update button that was in the copy transmanager.

How To Add Music, Images, Videos, Apps To iPhone, iPod And iPad Without iTunes 

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